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Our Mission

To take the scary out of bookkeeping & back office processes and make them easy, helpful and friendly again!

The evolution of Daya Consulting...

I suppose Daya Consulting actually started years ago when I first started a meetup group called RTD (Round Table Discussions) for female business owners. I was looking to create an alliance that would help fellow female entrepreneurs grow and expand their businesses, overcome everyday challenges as well as challenges specific to our gender, and truly serve as a mastermind organization. I felt I had a lot to offer in terms of structuring the operational processes of a business, but I was also looking for someone to help me through some of the hurdles I was encountering. It was a win-win. What evolved from this meetup group are two amazing and wonderful groups of women that never cease to amaze me: powerful, intelligent, driven and kind women that encourage and support each other.

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Can we talk about the Elephant in the room?

Elephants have excellent memories and extraordinary problem-solving skills. They are superior communicators - even over expansive distances (up to 6 miles).  They are strong yet gentle and compassionate; they have a group mentality, are fierce protectors of their young and show empathy for other elephants. 

They symbolize wisdom, strength, and compassion.

We feel a great connection with these gentle giants. A lot of what they represent resonates strongly with us.


(So no, it has nothing to do with politics or political affiliations)

After selling my vegan restaurant (Daya) in 2018, I knew I would need another avenue for reaching people to satiate my need to help. I’ve developed a fondness for educating & empowering people. So I was going to have to shift my energy from showing people that cruelty-free food can be just as yummy and satisfying as the traditional american diet... but to what? Thanks to my beautiful, brilliant and benevolent business babes, I figured it out! I would officially start the business I was already doing - showing entrepreneurs how to set up their internal business processes in a simple, cost-effective, efficient way and how to get the most out of their financial reports. And Daya Consulting was born...

Why Daya? What does Daya mean? (define Daya) Essentially, it means compassion or mercy. Of course it’s apropos as the name of a vegan eatery, but for me it also translates quite directly into my mission for business consulting. Simply put, I want to empower entrepreneurs to help themselves. For example, I want to show people bookkeeping doesn’t have to be expensive or scary and can actually be set up to practically update itself AND provide insight & information as to what lines of business are the most profitable? which services are sold the most? And I want to do that as inexpensively as possible - sometimes even for free! How will I accomplish this? Thanks once again to my BBBBB’s, I’m setting up an account where I will put 10% of my total gross profit aside to help struggling start-ups and small businesses pay for my hands-on help - from website development to setting up payroll & bookkeeping processes & solutions!

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